
Online Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki I Certification Workshop

Saturday, May 3rd, 2025, 8 am to 5 pm EDT – Online Live Zoom

Come and discover the true essence of Reiki – Spiritually-Guided Life Force Energy comes through you in a way that can help guide you in all aspects of your life.

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Online Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I Workshop Description:

When taking Reiki I, you will be receiving a divine placement that will open your channels to allow Reiki to flow through you. It is a wonderful, sacred experience to be in tune with this Universal Energy and to be able to be guided by it throughout your day.

Reiki I is a full one-day certification course. You will be learning the following based on the teachings from the International Center for Reiki Training:

  • The Nature and History of Reiki and Holy Fire
  • The Reiki Ideals
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui, including: Gassho meditation, Reiji-ho – prayer, Chiryo – using your inner guidance, Kenyoku – cleansing your energy field, Byosen scanning – scanning energy
  • Self Treatment with Byosen Self Scan
  • Hayashi Healing Guide – learning the hand positions that Hayashi taught based on different disease conditions

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time self Reiki using Byosen scanning and using some of the Japanese Reiki Techniques. We will be discussing the importance of daily self-treatment.

The workshop includes: Online Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I Certificate and the complete digital manual for Reiki I and II: “Reiki – The Healing Touch” by William Lee Rand.


Holy Fire® Reiki Description (as described by William Rand from the ICRT):

Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki being introduced by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes.

The energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness than any energy we have encountered before. It is also more effective. Some of its attributes include:

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
  • Always respects free will.
  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.
  • One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.
  • Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

These qualities are present in I&II and become more pronounced in the Master class.

Genevieve has been a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training since 2011.

Reiki I (Discount)

Online Usui/Holy Fire ® III Reiki I Certification

$75 USD

(cost of digital manual and admin fees)

(Discounted from $175 USD)

/ person

Online Usui / Holy Fire® III Reiki II Certification Workshop

Saturday, May 31st, 2025, 8 am to 5 pm EDT – Online Live Zoom

You will be learning more powerful methods of Reiki healing. When taking Reiki II, you will receive a divine placement that will open your channels even further to allow a stronger flow of Reiki to flow through you.

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Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki II Workshop Description:

Reiki II is a full one-day certification course. You will be learning the following based on the teachings from the International Center for Reiki Training:

  • Giving Treatments to Others
  • Learning how to draw, activate, and use the Reiki Symbols
  • You will develop more confidence in trusting your intuition when giving treatments. Traditional hand positions are discussed
  • During class, you will practice giving and receiving Reiki online
  • Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui, including: Koki-ho – using your breath and a Reiki Symbol to send Reiki, Gyoshi-ho – using your eyes to send Reiki, Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho – clearing an object, Enkaku Chiryo – sending Reiki at a distance

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving Reiki distant treatments, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.

The workshop includes: Online Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki II Certificate and the complete digital manual for Reiki I and II: “Reiki – The Healing Touch” by William Lee Rand.

Holy Fire® Reiki Description (as described by William Rand from the ICRT):

Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki being introduced by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes.

The energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness than any energy we have encountered before. It is also more effective. Some of its attributes include:

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
  • Always respects free will.
  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.
  • One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.
  • Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

These qualities are present in I&II and become more pronounced in the Master class.

Genevieve has been a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training since 2011.

Reiki II

Online Usui/Holy Fire ® III Reiki II Certification

$295 USD

/ person

Usui / Holy Fire® III Online Reiki Master World Peace Certification Workshop

April 4th to 6th, 2025

8 am to 5 pm EDT each day for 3 days – Online Live Zoom

Are you considering taking the next step and receiving your Reiki Master Certification? Ever since I received the Holy Fire® Master Certification, my life changed in ways I never thought possible.

More Info

During the first day, you will be receiving the first Holy Fire® III Ignition and the Usui/Holy Fire® III Master Placement. You will be learning Advanced Reiki Techniques that will assist you with empowering yourself and others with continuous Reiki and aura cleansing. You will learn how to use crystals and a grid with Reiki.

During the 2nd and third day, you will be given the three more Holy Fire® III Ignitions. The four Ignitions progressively empower the Holy Fire® symbol. You will be experiencing the amazing blessing and power of the Holy Fire® III Energy.

You will be learning the following based on the teachings from the International Center for Reiki Training:

  • Receiving the Usui Master Symbol, which increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II Symbols;
  • Receiving the Usui/Holy Fire® III Master Placement, which increases the strength of the Reiki energy;
  • Learning Advanced Reiki Techniques that will assist you in empowering yourself and others with continuous Reiki;
  • Learn how to use crystals and a grid to send Reiki continuously;
  • Empowered by the River of Peace Experience.
  • The Holy Fire® symbol is given;
  • Receiving three ignitions for Holy Fire® and the World Peace Ignition;
  • Detailed instruction on how to give Reiki Placements for Reiki I&II and the Usui Master as well as the Master Ignitions;
  • Online practice using the Holy Fire® Symbol for treatments;
  • The Holy Fire® Healing Experience that can be given to anyone and directs the powerful Holy Fire® energies to heal;
  • How to give yourself Experiences, Placements and Ignitions;
  • The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master; and
  • Developing your own Reiki practice and teaching it to others.

The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. The training is intensive and very thorough.

Prerequisite for the Usui/Holy Fire® III Master Workshop is Reiki I and II. One should have practiced Reiki II for a period of 6 months.

The workshop includes: A Usui/Holy Fire® III Master Certificate and the complete manual: “Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master Manual” by William Lee Rand.

Holy Fire® Reiki Description (as described by William Rand from the ICRT):

Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki being introduced by the ICRT. It is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.  It is included as part of our Usui Reiki classes and has also been added to Karuna Reiki training.

The energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness than any energy we have encountered before. It is also more effective. Some of its attributes include:

  • Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
  • Always respects free will.
  • Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
  • Heals relationships and interactions with others.
  • Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
  • Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
  • Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.
  • One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.
  • Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

These qualities are present in I&II and become more pronounced in the Master class.

Genevieve has been a Professional Member of the International Center for Reiki Training since 2011.

Reiki Master

Usui / Holy Fire ® III Reiki Master Certication

$1100 USD

/ person

I’m going to try to put this into words, because I don’t know if there are enough words in the world to describe one of the most beautiful loving gentle souls I have ever met in my life; one of the most beautiful healing gentle souls that I’ve ever had the privilege to work side-by-side with; one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever had the chance to learn all my levels of Reiki with; when you meet somebody and you just know you’re connected far deeper than any connection you’ve ever had. That is what I feel with Genevieve. From the moment I met her almost 10 years ago, I would not allow any other person to teach Reiki out of my business. Her energy, her love, her passion, her knowledge, her intuition, her guidance, her healing touch, her magical voice that guide you through meditations is something totally out of this world. I’m truly blessed to have Genevieve in my life as my mentor, teacher, sister. I have watched over the years many, many people come through my doors to have her teachings. They come in as one and they leave as  another, always with a smile on their face and so much excitement for the healing that they’re going to be experiencing within and being able to heal others.

Genevieve is truly a gift from God.

Charlene Bateman

I had the privilege of learning Reiki with Genevieve in 2011 ( Levels I, II, ART and Master Teacher/Practitioner). She taught me to approach Reiki with reverence and respect, to leave my ego out of it, and to lead with the heart. Her calm and deeply spiritual approach instilled confidence in my abilities to heal myself, and eventually others. I attended many Reiki shares that she hosted, and receiving Reiki from her was always (and continues to be) a powerful healing experience.

When I became ready to open my own holistic healing practice, it was Genevieve who I turned to in order to get some practical business advice. She has always encouraged me, proudly supporting my growth and has attended some of my Reiki shares. Her support is much more than “just” as a teacher. Genevieve is my mentor on things professional and personal and has become a very dear friend.

She has recently been able to advise me as I restructure my healing practice, helping me see where my strengths are and giving me confidence, once more, to become a better practitioner and teacher. I am always grateful for her wisdom and intuition, and how she gently continues to guide me on my path. Meeting Genevieve and studying Reiki with her was life-changing for me. I highly recommend her as a teacher, practitioner and counselor.

Julie Baumlisberger

It is not often that you come across someone like Genevieve. I am sure if anyone else were to meet her, they would say the exact same thing. There is no one else quite like her, she is empathetic, highly intuitive, and is the best mentor that I have ever had. She knows exactly what to say, and how to say it. She will make complicated subjects feel easily understood and her guidance will serve as empowerment for your own life.

I have had the pleasure and the honor of having Genevieve teach me Reiki. Her teaching methods are always practical and intuitively guided. When you learn from her, you can rest assured that you are receiving a personalized lesson that will feel more like a spiritual experience. There really isn’t anything like it.

Genevieve has also coached me to step more into my authentic self. I met her at a time when I needed some major guidance in my life. Her natural ability to understand and offer wisdom will blow you away. It blew me away, at least. All I can say is that Genevieve has not only given me guidance, but has also taught me how to guide myself. Her invaluable perspective will be like none other. And if you have found her, then there must be a reason for it. I cannot recommend Genevieve enough! My words are too few and too thin to capture what an amazing individual she is! It is something that you must experience for yourself.

Alyssia Generali

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